Oncology Skin Care

Haven Aesthetics is proud to offer skin care treatment for those undergoing Oncology care. Using only mindful, clean and gentle skincare products through Hale & Hush, the Oncology-safe Soothe Facial is fit for those with compromised, hypersensitive skin providing overall comfort and relief.

With a health journey of her own, Riley strives to provide a safe, calm, supportive, and comfortable space for those who are in the midst of finding their own haven. 


A 15 minute consultation will automatically be added to your first facial to review the intake form, discuss sensitivities and/or doctor requests and answer any questions we may have for each other. To keep you safe and healthy, a mask will be worn at all times during treatment.

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Additional Information:

If you are receiving chemotherapy or radiation, Riley will work with you to accommodate treatment windows that are approved by your doctor. Waiting 7-14 days after treatment is a requirement as protecting your skin, and overall health is of utmost importance. 

Oncology Trained Skin Care Specialist, Riley CAE

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